SOS Happy Tails: Page 5

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Hank (right) with Little Charlie

Hank (formerly Darren) joined our family in May of 2001. From the moment we met him, he fit right in with us. He's the sweetest dog I have ever met. He is great with our kids, no matter what they try to do to him. No matter what changes in our lives, Hank rolls with it better than the humans in our family. Hank We moved to Las Vegas, and added another baby to our family. Hank was right there with me for my son's 'terrible twos', ready to lick a kicking and screaming toddler until he laughed. We recently adopted beagle #3, a one year old who was removed from someone's yard. Until his rescue, he had no regular contact with humans or animals and not much contact with food, either. Hank has taken this poor little doggie under his paw and taught him all about cuddling, playing and breaking into the garbage can. They are quite a pair! Even though we have had to pad lock the garbage can, we are so happy that SOS Beagles helped us to find Hank. I cannot imagine our home without him. Thanks, Linda!

Updated June 12, 2008: I just wanted to send an update on Hank for the Happy Tails page. Hank has been in our family for seven years now. We're so grateful for him. We are living in Vegas now and have found a beagle meetup group. It's not quite the same as a good old Beaglefest, but it is still something to see a bunch of beagles running around a park together. The founder is starting a beagle rescue. She's done a great job helping lots of beagles find homes out here, including our newest beagle, Charlie. Hank is a great big brother to him. Anyway, here's our Happy Tails story.

-Diane Di Archangel


Maggie took to us both that night and became spoiled very quickly :) She's a very good dog, goes into the crate willingly, only a handful of accidents in the house but most were when she first moved in and everything was new. Maggie She was a little afraid of other people and dogs at first, but now she gets all excited when either mine or Ryan's mom comes over, and it only takes her a few minutes to warm up to visitors. We've taken her a few times to see my mom's beagle (she's 2) and they play together really nicely now. She will sometimes try to rip apart paper if you're not paying attention to her, but that rarely happens.
Thank you again!!

- Kristen, Ryan, and Maggie


Darwin (the beagle formally known as Emmy Lou) is doing great. She is eating well -- two full bowls a day. She eats a little of the first bowl in the morning before I walk her, the rest throughout the day. Same in the evening -- eats about half before we go out. I think it is part of being a stray to preserve your food. She is well behaved. Darwin I had into the office twice and she was a big hit. The second time another dog was in as well and they played together quite well. I'm waiting for her license; once it arrives I plan on taking her to a vet for checkup. She is adjusting fine -- becoming more "doggy" everyday. She still doesn't want to go into the dog run, but gets along fine with dogs she meets outside. Still very quiet but a few every once in while she'll get a whiff of something that will start he barking. During the day I keep her in the kitchen, but she has full reign once I'm home (she sleeps in my bed at night).

- Michael Fois


Thought we'd send a post-holiday update on Woodrow (formerly Toby Keith), who we adopted in June: Woodrow has become the apple of our family's eye, loving everyone he meets and adored by all! Woodrow

We had a bit of a time getting him on a schedule when he first came home--he loves the outdoors in any weather and constantly wants to socialize with birds, squirrels, mailmen, and neighborhood kids--but he has settled in a nice routine, accident-free, and even won over this terrier brother: no small feat!

We were a little worried how he'd do with Christmas decorations since he's curious, and like any toddler, checks EVERYTHING out with his mouth, but he was a perfect little boy and definitely on Santa's "good list." His favorite place to nap was under the tree, but his mommy was never able to get a good picture of it!

Best of all, Woodrow has inspired several of our relatives to adopt shelter dogs, as well. He's been a gift that keeps on giving. Here's a picture of him with his brother and parents, and his Aunt Angela and Uncle Tom (who are looking to adopt at present!). Best of luck to everyone at the rescue in 2009!

- Mark, Aimee, Cody, and Woodrow


We adopted Billy from Linda on 2/25/2001. He is absolutely the best dog! I remember when we first got in contact with her and we were trying to see which dog we would take- she said she thought she had the perfect one for us... and boy was she right. Billy He actually picked us- lol - (after she let him and Ben into the house so we could see them, Billy came right over to us, jumped up on my husband's lap - and like they say, the rest is history!

We figured he was about 1 when we got him, so he'll be 8 this year. We celebrate his birthday on 2/25, the day we got him. He is definitely a smart dog - he understands words, commands and even gestures (when we are leaving the house and we turn the TV off, he knows that means we are leaving so he gets right up to go to his room.)

He remembers where we keep the treats so you often find him in the kitchen looking up at our cabinet where they are. He also learned how to open our lazy susan cabinet, so he does that too! And his greatest feat - he has his own little chair that he sits in all the time. We never told him to sit there, he just did it when he first came to the house and has been doing it ever since. Our family and friends get the biggest charge out of it. They love it.

So all in all, to us, he is the best! He still lets us dress him up in anything we want (reindeer ears at Christmas, baseball hats). He also loves to lay in the big recliner. You can find him there most afternoons. He has always been the laid back, relaxing type dog. Loves to just do nothing! Thanks again for the best dog!

- Gina, Brian and Ashley

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