SOS Happy Tails: Page 12

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Nestle was adopted in August 2010. He is fine and dandy. He is a super smart beagle. Probably the smartest we have ever had and we have had two others. He rings a cowbell that hangs on the door to let us know he wants to go out and does a few tricks for treats.

Nestle He is best friends with our kitten Alley, who is a month older and they play together like no one would think. They stalk each other and pounce on each other. Nestle loves walks and rides in the car. With all the snow this winter, Nestle' started hopping in and out of the drifts like a bunny. It is so funny to see.

The Deck Family,


Hello SOS! My name is Maria Barberis, I just recently rescued Bozie. Its a little confusing how I ended up getting her but I think its better for both me and her. Since I received her she has gained 5 lbs (much needed) which brings her to 37 lbs. When I got her she weighed 32 lbs but you could see her ribs.

Bozette She seems very happy, enjoys going running in the woods, going for long walks, and going to the dog park. She has a few issues that we are working on in reference to her obedience, but nothing that would be considered a problem. I'm very happy that she ended up in my life, and I thing the feeling is mutual. Keep up the good work you folks are doing, and I will be sure to keep you updated over the years. Happy Holidays!

-Maria and Bozie


Just thought I would share some information about Bonnie, now happily named Rusty, on National Puppy Day! Rusty is very happy in her new home. She trains very well; sits, lays down, stays. She comes to work with me 1-2x a week, at a skilled nursing home, and visits with residents.

Rusty She makes the residents smile and took part in a puppy costume parade today. She is the perfect fit for our lifestyle and I want to thank you for helping us find the love of our life!

Hope you are doing well.



Hi we are the Jacobson Family, who adopted Athena back in the end of January. She is such a loving beagle, we winded up changing her name when we got home to Zoey.



Attached are 2 pictures of Faith that I had to share! We adopted her from SOS Beagles on 11/8/08. She's brought such joy into our homes! She has such a personality as you can see in the 2nd photo! Typical chow-hound!! Jo-Ann & Mike Demkowicz

Faith Thank you for all you do!

Jo-Ann and Mike Demkowicz


My name is Peanuts aka Midge. A nice lady name Beth from Tennessee saved me. I now live in New York and I am loving it. I have a total of 3 brothers 2 are human and one is just like me and his name is snickers.

Peanuts My mom loves me so much and I am so spoiled. We eat treats all day. I have plenty of toys. My mom takes snickers and I for long walks. My mom is so cool because she walks with us in the woods. We kind of walk her but she doesn't mind. I am so grateful to all the wonderful people at the sos beagle rescue that continues to give dogs like me a second chance.

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